Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Merge Game

 Dear Reader,

Today. I introduce to you a game I have been using to override the business of my brain. This is not a sponsored post. I simply like this mobile game, and witj this (possibly a series!) blogpost begin documenting everything I love about the game.

I like it for many reasons:

1. The Garden theme resonates with me because I would love to spend time in the garden when Spring begins. The visualization of that goal becomes easier through this vividly colored images.

2. The Categorization & Organization - if you’re familiar with merging games, you would know that merging 3-5 of the same objects will create a new object that will go on to create the next object etc.

3. The Completion and Culmination - it takes a while to complete a set but it is very rewarding when it happens.

4. The Puzzles 🧩- in between you could do puzzles. They’re integral to leveling up and getting rewards.

5. The Compliments - at first, I honestly found this part tedious 😝 πŸ˜† BUT πŸ˜‚πŸ’• I grew to love them

6. The Challenge - the puzzles are not always easy and sometimes they’re frustrating because this part of the game obviously are geared to make you watch advertisements. 

7. Rewards, Gifts etc

In summary, there are enough source of entertainment in the game.

Next time, I will share about my “egg collection” and creatures in the garden.

Are you playing merge game? Let me know which and what are things you like about it !

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