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Today's post continues the four Sunday's series of:
The ABC of Me (background) (please click on the link for the background of how this idea came to be :) ) And if you would like to read all the blogs in the series, please click on this link -
The ABC of Me (blog series).
My family and I attended
Palm Sunday mass today. We were also there for middle daughter, who together with her communion class made
Palmpasenstok (cross decorated with candy and bread, made in the form of a rooster - Wiki quote), which they carried in the procession as they entered the church.
It was a lovely start to our family Sunday.
I could also relate this and that mini-meltdowns, and mini-dramas of the day but again, the essense of the day remains lovely!
My family empowers me, and my sole wish is in everything I do, I empower each one of them, too.
So today, I thought of doing the The ABC of me, writing down about our family; what I love doing for them, or what we love doing for each other and simply the random but what we consider good things in our lives.
In the future, I will be revisiting each one of what I listed below, and write more extensively about it.
A -angels ~ P and I consider our girls our angels.
B - breakfast ~ we love eating this meal together, but what is worth mentioning: we love preparing it for each other the most! Eldest have countless of times served P and I breakfast in bed.
C - chillax ~ chill and relaxing, which is what we enjoy doing most together on our chillax couch!
D - dog ~ the girls would love to have a pet, and we promised them a dog (cat, etc!) when we have a larger home of our own.
E - English ~ we love to speak this with each other the most! For those who does not know us until this post, we speak a total of four languages all together: Filipino (I), English (all of us), German (the older girls, P & I, the little is still passively learning) and Dutch (everyone, with the littlest and I still lagging a bit behind)
F - films ~ there is a huge collection of films in DVD, that the family now owns together, and is still ever increasing! We love sharing this liesure with each other.
G - goosebumps ~ I have this a lot, when I look at my family together, feeling so grateful I have them to love, and be love by them...
H - Hawaii ~ the family dreams of living in Hawaii, a wishful dream.
I - I love you ~ is a phrase most uttered amongst us.
J - January ~ we are hoping to skate on natural ice one beautiful January day!
K - Keukenhof ~ visiting this park is something I would like our family to have as a tradition long after they have all grown up and moved out of home...
L - Loosdrecht lake ~ one more wish that each one in the family shares - to sail on the Loosdrecht lake
M - Mooosings ~ without my family, I would not have started this blog page, be motivated to keep it up or be inspired everday to celebrate the best of the day
N - nostalgia ~ we love reminiscing together about life before we became a family and the years we have thus far shared together
O -out of town, out of the country ~ we hope to do more again, in the future!
P - pirate ~ we enjoy quoting the lines from The Pirates of the Caribbean to each other!
Q - quiet moments are rare when the family are together!
R - restaurant ~ going to one is a luxury we spoil ourselves with to celebrate not only milestones in our lives but when we have overcome a challenge either individually or collectively as a family
S - Sound of Music ~ is the only film that I am a bit sad to say, we all do not unitedly like!
T - together ~ doing things together is what we enjoy the most, whatever it may be.
ALSO the word I used the most while writing the words for each letter of tonight's ABC because I am in a hurry to make the deadline. lol
U - undo ~ although it was a long journey before we became a family and we still have a long journey towards our collective goals and dreams, we would not want to undo anything in our lives because we recognize each detail contributes to the specialness that we are thankful that we have...
V - victorious feeling ~ is what we collectively feel, specially this year that we see the fruits of our labour of love....
W - water ~ swimming, sailing, boating, walking along the water is something we enjoy doing together.
X - eXtreme Home Make-over (sorry a bit of cheating, since I need to go to bed!) we all are teary-eyed when we watch episodes of this series. Although, we have not watched lately due to busy and what seems to be shorter and shorter Sundays together!
Y -youtubing ~ is something we all like and share from P to the littlest, whose favourite is asking for and watching Pingu episodes.
Z - Zoo ~ we have not been to a zoo together as a family here in the Netherlands! The girls have visited zoos through the school excursion of course, but we have not managed yet to do it as a family. We plan to change that this year! Hopefully Sundays will be long enough, again!
What random thing can you share about you and your family, that you hold dear?