Wednesday, December 18, 2013

13 Days to 2014!

My Daily Mooosings in the Netherlands'
Countdown to 2014

I love countdowns.

It helps me focus.  Keep things in perspective.

It is also the most motivating way for me to go back to blogging after a self-imposed pause or a pause due to me letting daily life take away my blogging mojo. is when I told to my brain, who was questioning what I was doing,
to "Shut up! I'm blogging no matter what!"

My fervent wish for 2014 as far as blogging is concerned is to do it more regularly, consistently. Most of all to do it because:
  1. I love it!
  2. Blogging is fun!
  3. My family and I can look back at what we've done; what we would have otherwise forgotten!
  4.  It serves as a meanigful reminder that everything does not last long - good or bad. 
  5. I have a place where I can count my blessings in a creative way.
  6. At the end of the year it makes me look back, no matter what, with a smile.
  7. It strongly reinforces my life's philosophy: be the change you wish to see in the world!
  8. When I blog, I learn in the process people I would have otherwise not met.
  9. I discover new blogs to read, and new positive perspectives in life.
  10. It takes me out of my comfort zone.
  11. It takes me out of my protective shell.
  12. It makes me travel more than I would.
  13. It makes me more spontaneous. 
  14. Magical things happens after I blog.
And this post is one of those spontaneous blog urge, which would have otherwise stayed in draft because a part (kill joy part!) of my being blocks it!

Wake up, blogger! The New Year is upon us! ;)

P.S. The magical thing? I feel freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Happy. :) Unfrozen.*

*(maybe I will get to blog about our Littlest second time to go the cinema with us - first time to see a film in 3D, first time for the whole family to watch 3D all together: Frozen!)

1 comment:

  1. I like blogging, too! I hope that you find the time to blog as much as you'd like in the new year!
